So I bought a thierrs Issard "super gnome" and over the past week I have been trying it out with some poor results. So far im on my third shave. Some places on my face have never been smoother but others have never been so rough. It seems as though no matter what I do I cant get a close shave. The razor seems to go right over the hairs when I go wtg and it feels like its ripping them out yet its not really doing anything when I go xtg or atg. First and second shave I didnt use a strop prior to starting b/c I didnt have one. I did as much reading as I could, watched a bunch of videos including Lynn Abrams DVD (who had also honed the razor) and now even after stropping it still shaves the same . I will say that it has been getting a little better (and I mean very little) with each shave. Tonight although it was the best of the three, I got the worst razor burn I have ever had .

I hate to complain so much and be so long winded, I just thought I would include as much info as possible. None of this has discouraged me from continuing to shave w/ a straight, Im just hoping to get some pointers as to what the problem may be. Thanks!!!!