Well, it finally happened. I got my first serious cut. I've been shaving exclusively with straights for about 4 months now and I've had my share of nicks, droplets and burn. Yesterday I was shaving (working under the chin) and SWMBO came in the bathroom and appeared behind me in the mirror. Well this startled me, and I jumped enough to practically lodge the razor in my chin. Needless to say there was LOTS of blood. When I screamed like a little girl, SWMBO was appologetic, and then proceded to panic. Fortunately, it was a clean cut and it just needed some disinfectant and a butterfly bandage. The bleeding stopped pretty quick and now I have a spot I won't be shaving for a while. Do I grow a beard now?

Lessons learned:
1) Lock the door!!!!
2) Respect the blade.
3) When razor is in hand attention is on the razor and only the razor.

I have heard 2 and 3 repeated on this forum regularly, but nothing puts it in perspective like a sink and towel soaked in your own blood. Take heed gents. Don't let this happen to you