Hello, everyone.

Shave #4 this morning was okay. I'm learning that a mediocre straight shave is on par (for me, at least) with a really good Mach 3 shave. I can only imagine what a really good straight shave will be like and look forward to discovering it as I improve.

Is it better for a newbie to go whole hog and shave one's entire face from the beginning or take one section at a time? I'm tempted to do the former--in fact, I've done just that for the past two days. Not bad--no cuts but some razor burn on my neck. I may be in over my head, though (it felt that way this morning).

Back in January on the "How much do people cut themselves?" thread, Lynn wrote:

If you start off slow and shave from the dominant hand side burn to jaw first for a few days and then move to the cheek and then switch hands and do the same on the other side of the face follwed by each side of the neck up and down and then take on the chin a little bit at a time, you will likely have less nicks than the person who takes on the whole face from the first. The method described lets you get used to the feel of the razor and the angles necessary to cut. This establishes a comfort level as you learn more (28 January 2008).

I think I'll go back to this. I don't like feeling that I'm getting too much thrown at me, if not rushed altogether. What have some of you done and what would you recommend? Thanks!
