So I bought two straights off this forum, both look really nice and I'm looking forward to getting them. I payed $75 for one and $45 for the other, so really that isn't that bad, less then a decent electric shaver cost. Anyway, I'm wanting to try and keep this hobby cheap so that I'm not wasting money like I do whenever I get on one of my kicks. I have an old barber hone already, problem is at one time it broke in half, so I epoxied it together and now I'm trying to lap it down so that it is perfectly flat with wet sandpaper. This is a long process, but it is coming along and the stone is looking better and better all the time. Next I went to an antique shop today and purchased a strop, they had some razors too, but they were all chipped to bad for me to buy. The strop is old and consists of two leather pieces about 14" long bound at the top with a clip for hanging. One side of each piece was pretty worn, but the other side was in good shape, so I took the clip apart and flipped them over. I stropped my pocket knife with it (which had just been honed on a Lansky sharpener and it could shave arm hairs off with ease after stropping, so it works. I watched Lynn' videos on here and I'm pretty pumped to get my razors and try them out. I have to get a brush and all that from Walmart. My local Walmart sells brushes and soaps for wet shaving, I'll start with that and move up with fancy stuff if this is something I keep doing. Anyway, so far this is pretty cool, I have a bad RAD though and I can't seem to stay away from ebay, so far all I bidded on went for way too much for me though. Thanks to Cobo and Gugi for the two nice razors I have coming