So I did shave 2 tonight. First one was with a BEngal I bought and I found it to feel a little big and heavy for some reason. I could not do my chin or cheekbones or above the lip with it and I finished with my sensor.
Second shave was with a Dovo I also bought off this forum (thanks guys) and it felt nicer in the hand to me. I did manage to shave my whole face to a fairly smooth finish but it took me a very long time to get there. About half hour
At the end of that half hour I was beet red and it felt like somebody shaved me with 100 grit sandpaper. I had no technique, didn't know how to hold the thing to get a good angle anywhere. I was all over my face trying different holds on the straight and must have made a few dozen passes everywhere on my face. If I didn;t have my bodyshoppe razor relief I would be in a world of hurt right now.

Anyhoo, that is my forst two experiences thus far. More to follow