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  • 13 Post By gugi

Thread: Welcome!

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  1. #1
    The original Skolor and Gentileman. gugi's Avatar
    Join Date
    Aug 2007
    Thanked: 3919
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    Default Welcome!

    First of all, let me welcome you to the Straight Razor Palace!

    There is a wealth of information and you should be able to get answers to all of your questions, but of course you will never know until you try it yourself .

    Probably the two most important resources when you start are (1) the Library (see the links below for the entries specifically oriented towards newbies), and (2) the other posts in this section.

    Do not hesitate to ask any questions, as you will quickly discover the more experienced members are always happy to help. Some of the advice you get may seem conflicting, but remember a lot of this is just a matter of personal preference. As a matter of practicality if your heads start to spin and you don't know who to pay attention to, the moderators and mentors are always a safe choice.

    Another great resource is the irc chat at the ##srp channel on freenode. Every Monday at 8PM EST a number of SRP mentors are available in the chat to help beginners.
    A quick and easy way to stop by is the 'Chat' button right below the banner of this website, or you can click here (it works better in a stand-alone irc program, but this should get you started and you can do that later).

    Critical information for newbies:

    Beginner's guide to straight razor shaving

    The Shave Ready Razor

    Acronyms and Abbreviations

    First Straight Razor Shave

    Again, welcome aboard and have fun!
    Last edited by gugi; 10-13-2011 at 06:34 PM.

  2. The Following 129 Users Say Thank You to gugi For This Useful Post:

    69Malibu (07-31-2009), ama015 (10-22-2009), B3njamin92 (03-22-2015), BigHustle (12-05-2008), BigTex1775 (07-20-2023), bikermurg (06-04-2010), Billythebadger (03-28-2016), Bluepunk18 (02-03-2009), boshave (07-18-2009), Brett (03-20-2009), Bronco (02-07-2009), brothers (03-04-2009), Bumgill (07-13-2009), CaleGrey (10-03-2013), chrishough (06-14-2009), Cicero (04-22-2009), climberslacker (03-11-2009), ContenderhunterPA (06-19-2009), CraigC (01-12-2013), creamy (01-12-2009), CWVA27 (05-29-2013), Czechmart (01-26-2009), Daan (07-23-2020), Dano778 (02-03-2010), Daren (03-12-2009), dkshave (01-04-2014), dlittlekc (07-13-2010), DOGRAH (03-25-2013), Drac (07-09-2010), dubby (09-19-2009), dunner (03-16-2009), dviloria (06-12-2009), easyace (06-16-2011), Estevall (06-25-2009), Exile (04-02-2009), fabrizio (04-06-2014), FatboyQ (03-11-2014), Haroldg48 (06-29-2013), Havachat45 (06-13-2011), HBirdman80 (01-10-2010), hendrix85 (08-10-2010), hongili (05-10-2009), Hyena (05-17-2011), jcash1 (10-22-2009), jdto (11-04-2011), JeffreyxMadness (04-17-2013), JeffW23 (04-02-2009), JMichaelSr (07-15-2009), kenneyty (12-15-2008), Kirenaaz (07-01-2009), Knightlazer (03-29-2013), komjong (05-25-2009), krisbarger (05-15-2009), krushon (08-20-2009), Lainad (10-05-2009), Lemy (06-16-2016), Loadofbricks (05-03-2009), lyineyes62 (03-18-2009), m1kroe (12-30-2008), MajorBurns (07-08-2009), mapleleafalumnus (05-22-2012), Maplerunner (12-08-2008), Marin8 (05-31-2009), matt84 (04-01-2022), mattosan (08-26-2009), mbwhoosh (06-18-2009), medic (07-02-2014), Mongo (12-21-2008), moonbeam (12-07-2010), Moonshae (07-13-2015), Moosiker (01-13-2015), mrbison (01-06-2011), Muguser (04-20-2010), mutters (08-25-2009), ofelas (05-04-2010), Oli (02-08-2009), Perished (09-04-2011), PhoenX (12-10-2019), pmelendres (08-08-2009), Proinsias (01-27-2010), Quintan (03-07-2010), razorbill (09-20-2009), Razorfeld (08-15-2014), RazorNoob (11-24-2008), ReardenSteel (07-15-2009), Redbeard (05-05-2009), Rene (08-17-2009), RoadKingMoe (02-28-2010), Ru4scuba (06-30-2010), SeanPR (01-21-2009), sebthecab (08-28-2009), sffone (06-02-2009), sgtd (04-12-2014), shakeyhands (07-19-2009), shavenkiwi (06-17-2009), sixsixty (09-13-2012), SlickMcTrick (04-05-2012), slowshave (06-04-2009), Smallfry (07-31-2013), souonata (01-13-2009), squarerigg (10-14-2009), SRC (02-22-2010), SteveAk (08-07-2015), str8fencer (09-28-2010), STRAIGHTRAZOR13 (10-28-2009), Stropper (06-11-2009), TartanJim (08-04-2009), TheMonk (08-24-2013), theoniondeath (04-19-2009), tml4gre (02-14-2009), Trooper (02-07-2010), trowell (03-29-2009), upl8tr (07-31-2011), usbird (08-06-2011), vanDutton (08-13-2009), victory (04-12-2009), Waldganger (05-18-2009), webdancer (12-26-2010), webgemcanada (03-20-2009), WebsII (12-06-2010), Willie (11-09-2009), Willisf (09-29-2014), Windwalker (03-03-2009), wolfcaller (07-04-2009), Ximeljef (03-28-2009), youmi (09-15-2013), ypahihi (02-06-2013), zack200513 (09-07-2009), ziggy925 (11-16-2009)

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