so i have a dovo that my girl bought me as a gift. didnt come w/ much info. also have a narrow, short dovo strop. no paste yet. my problem very well could be my face. very thin. angular. both sides of my adams apple are very curved. my blade is too long to get in there. i contort my face every which way to no avail. my facial hair grows at pretty random angles aswell not to mention a good sized scar on my chin that i cut w/ out fail. shaving down is cake. no problems. not very smooth tho. when i shave up i see extra skin i never knew i had being as thin as i am. i try to pull my face from beneath the razor but my skin is slick from the lather. pull from the top and its not effective. bought the lyn abrams video.... nothing to say about that. also, i am right handed and use my right hand for my left neck and right side of face. after a few weeks i am ok at shaving my left face w/ my left hand. actually i am better at shaving up w/ my less dominate hand on the left side of my face than i am w/ my dominate hand on my reight side of face. dont really know what i am asking but if any gaunt faced people out there have any suggestions i would appreciate it!