Quote Originally Posted by JimmyH-AD View Post
Welcome ot SRP ! Straight razors frequently have smiling blades where the edge doesn't touch all the way across on a flat surface. A honing technique known as the rolling x is used to sharpen them.

I would recommend that you try shaving with the Boker before you worry about stropping it. An inexperienced practitioner can dull an edge if improperly stropped.

My first few weeks straight razor shaving I kept my DE loaded and ready to finish areas I couldn't get with the straight. Once my technicque improved I put the DE away and haven't gone back to it in 8 months.

Check out the help files accessed from the tool bar at the top of the page. Lots of good info.
Thanks Jimmy,

I have checked all the help files, great resource!
I'm going to give it a go on Saturday morning, but as advised I'll just start with the sideburn area WTG and finish the rest of the shave with my DE.

This may seem like a silly question, but...the razor came with oil on the blade. I'll wash off with some dishsoap. Should I soak in Isopropyl Alcohol for a few minutes prior to shaving?
