I am 24 years old and my facial hair is spotty at best but where it does grow in its semi thick :| . I was getting tired of spending the money on mach 3's and the like and suffering with skin irritation, you know.. where it feels like someone poured kerosene on your face. So after a few weeks of reading this site and others i decided to take the plunge into straight razor shaving, i purchased a dovo shavette (disposable blade razor) just to see if it would work with me and my schedule.

Yesterday i received my new razor and some shaving creme (i didn't purchase a brush or bowl or anything because i didn't know if i would stick with it.) So as soon as i received it i decided to try it out...I had shaved about 3 hours before with my mach 3.. i was terrified of the blade, i could feel it skipping and was considering packing my bags ahead of time for an extended hospital stay.. i nicked myself once. The shave was so much closer and cleaner even considering i just shaved a few hours prior with a mach 3.. it was insane how close it was!

Today i woke up and watched a few video's on youtube.. whoops i had been holding the razor as if i was performing surgery.. my angles were all wrong too. so much for the research i had done prior to purchasing the razor .. i took a shower and decided to give it another shot with the proper holding techniques i just learned.. wow.. what a difference, blade didn't skip about or anything, was easy as pie. did not even knick myself once! The shave is even closer! Only thing i am having issues with is my chin i do not feel as im getting it close enough so i go over and over it. Its hard for me to look in the mirror and do a second pass either across or against the grain.

Now after my 6 pages of excitement and rambling..my question..

would a real straight edge provide a better shave than the disposable blade?

For those of you considering going the straight razor route i recommend it, although i was worried more about it taking to long i do not think it will take me that much more time than useing a safety razor.