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  1. #1
    MJL is offline
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    Default So I guess this is the proper place to introduce myself

    Hello All!

    My name is Matt, and after lurking for a while, I decided to sign up and contribute a bit

    I have been shaving on and off with a DE for a while, and have been strongly considering the move to a Straight for some time now. Budget is a little tight until I find some new employment (freaking economy ), but the good news is that most of my DE stuff will translate over.

    Little bit about me: I'm 29, engaged, and just moved from Ft. Lauderdale up to Palm Coast, FL (about 15 minutes north of Daytona Beach). My passion is Cars in general, and Drag Racing specifically. I'm getting into straight razors because I half heartedly believe that it MUST be a cheaper hobby than working on my cars

    Anyway, great to meet you all, and I look forward to contributing as much as I can around here!

    - Matt

  2. #2
      Lynn's Avatar
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    Welcome Matt!!

    Enjoy and Have Fun,


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    MJL (01-02-2009)

  4. #3
    Born a Hundred Years Too Late aroliver59's Avatar
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    Welcome to SRP Matt!Glad to have you.Lots to read and learn here,but as you say, you have a head start with the DE shaving.Slow and easy on the first str8 shaves til you get it down.It gets easier with familiarity and muscle memory.

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    MJL (01-02-2009)

  6. #4
    Ladies Corner and General Chat CarrieM's Avatar
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    Welcome to SRP Matt. Glad you decided to officially join in the group. This is the best place to be for researching straight razor use and care. Let us know if we can help you out in any way

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    MJL (01-02-2009)

  8. #5
    Comrade in Arms Alraz's Avatar
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    Matt, there are a number of low budget blades and other shaving must haves advertised in the classified section in this forum. Perhaps you may want to take a look.

    Al raz.

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    MJL (01-02-2009)

  10. #6
    Senior Member blabbermouth JimmyHAD's Avatar
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    Welcome to SRP ! I guess if you've been lurking awhile you know where the tutorials are in the Wiki and the videos in the general section of the forum. Smooth shaving.
    Be careful how you treat people on your way up, you may meet them again on your way back down.

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    MJL (01-02-2009)

  12. #7
    Senior Member jszabo's Avatar
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    welcome to srp matt i also build drag engines,quads and restore jd tractors. str8 shaving can be cheap or expensive it depends on how bad you get addictied to it whaen i first signed up on srp one of my first questions was would one razor be enough and the answer is yes but its hard to own only one razor i actually bought a dubl duck 2 weeks ago instead of a set of headers i needed i dont know if its cheaper than your cars you can get as many razors, strops ,hones, soaps etc as you can buy performance parts for your cars but getting a great shave with a str8 is every bit as satisfing as hearing that engine start for the first time and it dont take nearly as long to complete

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    MJL (01-02-2009)

  14. #8
    comfortably shaving chee16's Avatar
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    Welcome! i did the opposite to the norm and started straight shaving first, then found an old DE of my grandpas and started trying that out. i like straights better but do find myself using the DE every so often just for a change.

    this place is a wealth of information. read as much as you can and watch the videos. these guys know what they are talking about and it won't take long to figure that out for yourself.

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    MJL (01-02-2009)

  16. #9
    Senior Moment Tonsor's Avatar
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    Welcome to SRP, Matt. I don't know if str8s are cheaper than cars, but they are easier to store. Even with the brushes, strops, soaps, cremes, and after shaves.


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    MJL (01-03-2009)

  18. #10
    Senior Member Milton Man's Avatar
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    Welcome Matt - straight shaving can be cheaper than cartridge shaving, but only if you beat the dreaded AD's (acquisition disorders) - two good razors, a strop, brush, soap, and a barber's hone or coticule and your set...until ou start looking at the other really nice stuff...

    Great to have you aboard, keep us posted on your progress, and be sure to enjoy yourself!


  19. The Following User Says Thank You to Milton Man For This Useful Post:

    MJL (01-03-2009)

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