Hello all; I'm ready to start shaving but I'm just a bit nervous.... sort of like the first time I learned to suture... except this is on me! I'm getting a professional shave in the morning to get the feel of a great shave and to take some notes! Good idea or bad? My razor's arriving Thursday! I went with a Dovo DV009 and had it pre-honed, got the strop, soap, and even raised my life insurance plan.

I've watched a ton of vids and feel ready to take on the challenge. The questions that remain are skin and hair prep and most important: blade care! I've read that the blade needs 24 hours to rest between shaves and there's really no set number of strokes with the strop.

Yes I focus on the details. I was very tempted to buy a 7 day set of razors but thought it better to get the feel and skill with just one and see if I need more at a later date. Then there's the stones; I have no clue! I'd probably get a longer lasting blade having it professionally sharpened as opposed to doing it myself, but, I'm completely in the dark on that one.

Well; I've no doubt this will prove an entertaining read for most; however, I hope one of you will offer guidance to another newbie.