well, the answer to your initial questions is to find out how old is that video and where is the author located. if you go back in time to that place you may be able to also buy them for few dollars.
i've seen two razors a person bought in a local antique shop for few dollars each - guess what he just lost his money, the razors were a trash can material and i absolutely refused to hone them for him. eventually he took me to another antique shop where he had reserved 10 razors and there were 3 out of them that i approved and i honed one of them. he managed to pay $10 each (he's spending few thousands dollars a year at that place) and the rest are back on the display at the original asking price $20 per razor.
if you're looking to save money this is not the way to do it, unless you want to stay in it for quite some time. the most cost effective solution is a razor from the classifieds.