Uggh... This is going to be mostly umm yeah.

I have been straight shaving for 3 weeks now and my shaves actually seem to be getting worse. I do not think my technique is worse though....

I got my self on my chin this morning, but it was more just me not paying attention to the weird fold i get in the center of my chin.

I just shaved about 15 minutes ago though because i'm going out for dinner tonight and i actually got a few small nics and i can feel razor burn.

This is the first time i have ever had razor burn with the straight.

I noticed some leather had accumulated some on the spin of the razor after stropping 100 times today... this is a new one for me.

I'm starting to wonder if i need to send the razor out to be honed again due to improper stropping early on.

Going to go scan the classifieds for a cheap shave ready to compare against

Sorry to throw yet another newb rant out there...i feel better though