First off, I wish I discovered this website before I tried shaving for the first time. I just bought a new Dovo Blackstar razor, A Dovo strop, a badger brush etc. the whole nine. I was extremely excited when it finally arrived so when I got it I stropped and shaved and I just ended up with a hairy, cut up, burning face. I do admit I didn't shower before hand so I'm sure the hairs were tougher but I automatically jumped to the conclusion that it was the blades fault. Then I was enlightened by all the glorious info here and decided that it had to be my technique. So I gave it another shot but this time after I showered and only my sideburns and jawline. This went much better, still not completely smooth but much better. However I continually try the sharpness test with a piece of my girls hair and it never works. All though a new blade do you think it still needs to be honed? If so I would appreciate some reputable names that can help me out.