Hi I just got a new dovo, a norton 4k, 8k stone and a russian tan leather strop with a canvas side. I originally set the bevel on it with around a 1200 grit stone. Then I used the 4k side which was taking hair off my arm fairly easily. Then to the 8k for quite some time. I even tried to do the double bevel using tape on the spine to get a better edge. Then I tried the hht test which I know everybody says isn't a good test but it sure seems to be a good test when the blade can cut a hair with no pressure. If it can do that then I think it can get through my facial hair. I tried it and it kinda caught on the hair but wouldn't really cut it unless there was more pressure. But I stropped and tried shaving with it. I kinda cut my hair decently smooth and first, but doesn't seem to get extremely close. I started pulling on my hairs especially sensitive areas like my chin and neck. So I'm for sure not gonna try to go against the grain yet. Do I need to go over the 8k side of the stone more. And I'm pretty sure I've been honing right I've been studying this for about 6 months and had an antique razor I was using before this. Also I don't know about paste for a strop and if that will help. Also what kind of lotion should you use for the leather of the strop to help condition it better. Any help would be greatly appreciated I'm getting pretty frustrated. I would also like to do it myself and not get it sent to a honemeister. Thanks, Chris.