Well, a whole week has passed and I've been shaving with a shavette every day.

Here's my process:

1) I boil some water in a bowl, and wait for a little bit until it cools down a little. Then I leave my brush in there while I take a shower.
2) I wash my face with soap and shampoo in the shower, and leave a layer of hair conditioner after jumping out of the shower.
3) Put a hot towel in my face for 3 minutes.
4) Wash completelely the hair conditioner from my face with hot water
5) Throw away the hot water from the bowl, add some Clinique shaving gel, a few drops of glycerin, a few drops of almonds oil. Remove the excess of water from the brush and start loading it up with L'Occitane shaving soap.
6) Start swirling the brush in the bowl and add water if needed until the lather has a whiping cream consistency.
7) Apply the lather to my face and start with a WTG pass. Wash my face with hot water, re-lather, and then a XTG pass. Wash the face and re-lather. If I'm using a new blade, do a very gentle ATG pass in the cheaks only.
8) Wash my face with cold water and use an alum to close the pores (and any nick). Apply some Nivea aftershave balm, and I'm done.

I've been managing to get really, really close shaves in my cheaks and jaw line. Very comfortable. I hadn't been able to shave every single day for a whole week with a Mach3 in my life without getting all kinds of ingrown hairs, irritation and PAIN.

I need some advice. The neck is really difficult for me and I guess it will take some time to learn how to properly shave it. My beard grows across my neck in a parallel line with the jaw, always from my left side to the right. It is relatively simple to do a XTG (I just shave from north to south or south to north). However it hurts because I it is very difficult to get a proper WTG first.

I guess it is only matter of time, patience and practice, but any advice on the kind of grip, blade motion during the stroke etc. to get a WTG in that region with the beard growing completely parallel to the jaw line would be greatly appreciated!!

Thank you all