Dropping in to let people know I hit a goal of mine: to shave the chin with only the straight razor, no help from a disposable at all!

I was hooked with the overall results from my first shave, but my darn chin hair refused to cut for three or so shaves. My second to last shave was a bittersweet semi-success in that I got most of the chin hair, but I ended up with a score of bloody spots in one particular area at the front of the neck. Also, there was still some stubborn hair left in a spot that's difficult for my non-dominant hand to effectively cut. That shave was probably my worst shave yet, but still much better than what I would get with a disposable.

Today, a shave later, I ended up with my best attempt yet ironically. My skin is healthy looking, I'm BBS, and I ended up with only 3 small blood spots (upper lip, lower lip, and one from the bad spot from the shave before this one. I think it just hasn't healed completely really.).

The odd part to me though is in order to get my chin hair to shave, I have to use a combination of WTG, XTG, and ATG in no particular order. Trying to go completely WTG as a 1st pass fails at cutting for some reason. I'm not sure if anyone else has to do oddball techniques like that, but I agree with a bit of advice I keep reading through this forum: experiment! It helped me get that pesky chin shaved.

Just be careful when you experiment. Being smart and safe go a long way to finding what works for you.