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  1. #1
    Member MuzzleVelocity's Avatar
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    Default canned shaving cream anyone?

    does anyone here use canned shaving cream? are there any super-premium canned shaving creams that are at least somewhat close in quality to the lather-it-yourself variety? Will I get banned from SRP if I decide to use canned shave cream?!?

    btw, thanks for everyone on this forum for being so helpful and knowledgeable. every shave is getting a little better...

  2. #2
    1337 h4x0r5 Mudkipz's Avatar
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    There's nothing in a can I'm aware of that's anywhere close to a mug & brush cream/soap.

    If you're wondering because you don't have a brush, there are some brushless creams that don't lather but are slick enough to get the job done.

    I've used American Crew with decent results, and it's not hard to find others. None of the non lathering creams have been as good IMHO, but they're better than cans. As with all things, YMMV

    EDIT: I guess one small thing I can say in defense of cans is that when I used them, I didn't do a proper beard prep. That may help if you must use a can.

    There, now at least you'll have company on the gallows when they find out we've been speaking heresy.
    Last edited by Mudkipz; 06-09-2009 at 02:27 AM.

  3. #3
    Member chrisxc5's Avatar
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    i was actually gonna do my 1st shave with canned barbasol but was warned not to...later i realized why. my aunt who was taking her test to become a certified barber has practiced SR shaving hundreds of time but when she used canned cream the blood started pouring ...well not too badly. i recommend going to wal mart and pick up a Van Der Hagen mug, soap, brush combo for $8... half of a good shave is a good lather and without the proper set up nicks and discouragement come more frequently. good luck !!!

  4. #4
    The original Skolor and Gentileman. gugi's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by MuzzleVelocity View Post
    Will I get banned from SRP if I decide to use canned shave cream?!?
    absolutely not, but we all will have plenty of cheap fun at your expense.
    plus you'll start getting a lot of emails from the nephew of the former head of military of kongo and relatives of similarly rich african dignitaries looking for your assistance. in fact i do have a business proposition for you right now we'll both be rich, or at least one of us

  5. #5
    Senior Member The0ctopus's Avatar
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    i have found real shaving soaps to be much better, but if goo in a can is all you can handle, Nivea whips up into a decent lather. but TGQ or tabac is much better

  6. #6
    Senior Member TomSD's Avatar
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    I'm still far from making a premium lather and notice a difference. That and you ever read the label on one of those things? Wow lots of stuff in there. I wouldn't go back myself.

  7. #7
    "Mister Nip n Tuck" ;) BigBubba's Avatar
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    I haven't tried it myself, but I have heard that the Proraso canned cream is the only decent one.

    Proraso Shaving Foam Regular

    If you try it out please post your results and maybe a review.

  8. #8
    I Dull Sheffields
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    This stuff is cheap and it works fine. I used it for a while before I got a brush (and even with a brush you get a nice lather. In fact, there's a Body Shop in the mall near me so I didn't even have to pay shipping - just went and picked it up.

    Good Luck

    For Men Maca Root Shave Cream 200 ml - Fall Skin Care 08: Men's Bath: Men - The Body Shop

  9. #9
    Junior Member ContenderhunterPA's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by The0ctopus View Post
    i have found real shaving soaps to be much better, but if goo in a can is all you can handle, Nivea whips up into a decent lather. but TGQ or tabac is much better
    I love the pic!!!


  10. #10
    Junior Member ContenderhunterPA's Avatar
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    The most important thing about a good soap (or cream) to me, is that it lubricates between the blade and my skin. The most important thing for proper lubrication (so I have been told) is water. Since water cannot be compressed in a can, the canned shaving cream is lacking in one of the most important ingredients, and there really isn't much good that they can do...

    I think...


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