I last posted in April after ninety shaves with a straight razor. Since then I continue to shave every day with a straight razor. I have eight razors in my rotation with a 7/8 Wade and Butcher 1/4 hollow and 7/8 Dubl Duck special no. 1 full hollow my favorites. (both exceptionally restored by Max)

I have used numerous different shave creams but my standard is Taylors kicked up with Olive oil, Castor oil, Glycerin and Bentonite clay. Its some what heavy but I never get razor burn.

Beard preparation always includes hot towels. I now do all three passes with the chin and mustache areas still giving me most of the problem. (no surprise there) Total time for shaving still rather lengthy at forty minutes.

I have used numerous after shave balms including Castle Forbes and Truefitt and Hill but find Zia post shave balm works best for me.

I acquired diamond and chromium oxide lapping film sheets which I use to touch up my razors.

I now get a BBS shave almost every time. For me that what makes it worth it. Straight razor shaves in the morning gives me a shave that can last for evening business meetings.

As I have only one 1/4 hollow and like it very much, I intend to acquire at least two or three more quality razors of that type.

I very much appreciate the insights this site provides and enjoy reading the posts. Thanks
