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  1. #1
    Member grimlad's Avatar
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    Default Just received my straight set! Questions...

    I just received my first straight razor set (Dovo special and 3" Red Latigo Strop) and I had a quick question before I use it (unfortunately tomorrow, I already shaved today). It was professionally honed from SRD, so do I strop before my first shave or do I use it like that (so I make sure to experience a professionally honed razor and I don't mess it up)?

    Also, is it okay to use that same razor (my only one) daily? I believe so, but I have seen debates here (and elsewhere) about resting the razor and rotating?

    I tried to check with the forums, but I wasn't sure of the overall opinion for each.

    Thanks for your time, effort, and insight.


  2. #2
      Lynn's Avatar
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    Make sure you wipe the oil off first. I always stop, but you should not have to. The reason I strop is that the razor has been coated with oil and stropping after wiping it off ensures a really clean and ready to go edge. You are correct about the differing opinions for sure.

    Did you read this? First straight razor shave - Straight Razor Place Wiki

    Also take a look at the stropping information in the wiki.

    Have fun,

    Last edited by Lynn; 08-01-2009 at 08:45 PM.

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  4. #3
    Member grimlad's Avatar
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    Thank you, Lynn. I will definitely wipe of the oil first (I am sure I would have forgotten that).

    Yes, I have read the "First Straight Razor Shave" link. Tonight is going to be my "getting to know the razor" practice (weight, grip, etc), before tomorrow's shave. Thanks!

    Do you feel it is okay to use the same razor daily, as long as I strop before and after (to ensure it is dry)?


    Last edited by grimlad; 08-01-2009 at 09:08 PM. Reason: forgot reply to question

  5. #4
      Lynn's Avatar
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    Should not be a problem Sean.



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  7. #5
      Lynn's Avatar
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    As a new guy, I would also not recommend using a pre-shave oil or re-applying it during a shave until you really get used to using a straight razor. Most of this stuff is pretty slippery and you have to be really, really careful. There are many different opinions around here and that is a good thing. You will be surprised at how many different things work for different people.

    Good Luck.


    Quote Originally Posted by Utopian View Post
    Here's a differing opinion.
    Personally, I don't see any need to wipe off the oil. The oil on the face of the blade will have no impact at all and the minute amount of oil at the edge will be wiped off with the first stroke of your razor. Your shaving lather will emulsify the oil and make it irrelevant. I lightly oil all of my razors and never wipe it off. Besides, some people apply a pre-shave oil to their faces so clearly oil does not interfere with the shave.
    Last edited by Lynn; 08-01-2009 at 10:55 PM.

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  9. #6
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    i think lynn has just about covered it all. also i have a dovo perlex that i use just about everyday. i also have others and am still buying other sr from different outlets. you seem to have a good setup to begin with. i strop after each shave(15 passes) and strop before each shave(15 passes). hope this helps some..good luck

  10. The Following User Says Thank You to 59caddy For This Useful Post:

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  11. #7
    I've got it RAD and that ain't good
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    I'm of the camp that believes that you need to rest a razor between uses, but don't worry, you'll develop RAD soon enough and feel silly that you ever asked this question.

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    grimlad (08-04-2009)

  13. #8
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    Lynn - It's funny you should say that about pre-shave oil, because I was thinking about using it. Hopefully, I would have realized the folly of this before hand. Thanks.

    mbwhoosh - As far as my lather, I can whip up a pretty good one. I have been D/E shaving for about 2 months now. I use mostly Mama Bear soaps or TGR creams.

    59caddy - I will try that stropping method today (my first shave soon to come). Thanks.

    Blockhead - Yeah...RAD set in before the first razor even arrived. I already have a list of some I want to try!

    Thanks everyone for your help and time!

  14. #9
    Senior Member blabbermouth hi_bud_gl's Avatar
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    Don't use shaving oil . it just doesn't help when you shave with straight razor. it meant to for safety razor (this is what i think). when you stretch your skin it just slides out of your fingers and oops a big lovely cut .... i used only ones and find out it really doesn't help any. GL

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  16. #10
    Senior Member BHChieftain's Avatar
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    The only reason *not* to strop on your first shave with a prehoned razor is so that your first shave is guaranteed to be with a sharp blade. If you strop incorrectly, you can roll the edge and effectively dull the blade. So if your first shave felt good, but the second did not cut hair as well, you know it was your stropping and not the honer...

    But after the first shave you need to strop before every shave. Be sure to read the wiki section on stropping.


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