Hello everybody!
I've been reading quite a while this forum and wiki and would like to thank you all because you have helped me a lot starting shaving with straights.

My biggest problem at the moment is lathering I hope you can help me with that too. Or actually I think that the lathering is not a problem but after I have lathered my col. conk's soap in a bowl it starts quite soon to vanish from my face and from bowl also. I'm not able to put so much lather on my face that there would still be something left before I'm finished shaving.

I'm not sure what is happening to lather but it seems to be drying up. But adding water doesn't seem to help. Lather is not stable how mother how much water I add. And I'm pretty sure that I have also dried lather which is too dry. I'm pretty much out of ideas with this. Does anyone have any ideas what I could be doing wrong?