I think I have had my first experience of being able to notice the quality of a razor. I hope that I am not imagining things here....

So here is how I experienced this. I have 2 SR razors, one is a 5/8 genco round point, the other is a 11/16th square point New Electric. I had to send my genco to get re-honed after a faucet accident so for about 1.5 weeks I was shaving with the New Electric.

Now that my genco came back my face is just super smooth and my shave is different. The razor feels softer and gentler on my face when I am shaving. It glides through my whiskers smoother and it is easier to handle. The steel makes a different sound also. The sound is "tighter" and deeper than my other razor even though my genco is smaller than my New Electric.

It is nice to realize that gencos are just nice and comfy to use for a newbie like me. I think if I had to buy another razor I would by a genco. Just thought I would share this...