Hiya everybody,

Just dropped in to formally introduce myself: I'm 29 years old and living in Finland, where there really isn't much SR or DE culture (though I see few members from Scandinavia here), but the idea has fascinated me along with other olden things like fountainpens and hardback books (ok, maybe books ain't that old, but I digress). In addition, I'm interested in sharpening/restoration, fishing, cooking and good movies.

Some history
I have been wet-shaving with cartridges all my life because electrics gave me irritation without providing much of a close shave. In addition, the noise was driving me up a wall =). For a long time, I used various canned goops but a few years ago I discovered english creams (started off with Taylor of old Bond Street and Truefitt&Hill) from London and I've been using them to enhance my shaving since. I even bought some for my father and brother (whether wetshaving hereditary or infectious, I cannot say =))
I came into possession of my first razors maybe 8-9 years ago, when I bought, out of fascination, two razors from a flea market along with a paddle strop. Pretty well preserved, but not nearly sharp enough. Can't remember whether I tried shaving back then, or did I just write it off too dull. Since then, I've gradually been buying miscellanous razors (mostly Eskiltuna blades. I might show and tell someday) from flea markets, but until I got into knife sharpening I didn't make any real attempt to shave. Amazingly, the razor was too dull and pulled. =). In hindsight, this was propably due to lack of good sharpening equipment. Thus, that the venture was once again put on hiatus.

First Shave
This summer I came by SRP and read the forum and wiki for a few months and decided to give it a proper go. I ordered a vintage "James Dewsnap, Sheffield" razor and an entry level Dovo strop from Steve at The Invisible Edge (Great big thanks for the excellent service, btw) and took it for a spin this morning. Showered at start, then used D.H.Harris Arlington soap, Truefitt&Hill 1805 cream, and Omega 48 boar brush to lather up and start chopping. Since I had handled razor previously, I decided to shave my cheeks with the straight and patch the chin with cartridge. Finished it off with alum, T&H spanish leather cologne and Nivea aftershave. Might have been an overkill, but it was convenient excuse.
Though the razor was sharp, it was more forgiving than I had anticipated and I didn't get any nicks or major razor burn. Splash might've stung a little more, but I might've overdone that a bit. I think I'll manage better when I pay more attention to the number of passes, angles and lather.

Thank you for reading this far. I'm pleased to make your acquintance and I hope to meet all you pleasant people here at SRP. I've enjoyed this forum very much, especially the good beginner guides and displays of great art in the workshop.