Hello friends,

I recently bought a razor off the site classies. Its shave ready, but I must be stropping incorrectly, because I have read the beginners guide, wiki etc, repeatedly on shaving angles, skin pulling, stropping etc, and I just cant seem to get a clean shave, my end result always looks like something an electric razor would leave, all I am doing is the side burns, I start off by pulling tightly on the top of my burn, upwards, and proceed with a 30 degree WTG stroke straight down the burn, it takes of just a little, I have lathered up and tried again, then pulled and used an XTG repeatedly, using a lower degree, and finally an ATG using a 5 degree cut, and I cant get a BBS shave, nor even close to one.

When I strop, I use just the lightest pressure, I have even tried a bit more pressure, but I keep coming up short, any idea what I am doing wrong ?