I recently developed an interest in straight razors. A week ago I decided to take the plunge and bought a razor, which should arrive in the mail in a week or two. Two days ago my fiance showed me an old razor she had been keeping in a box, apparently it belonged to her great great grandfather. I examined the blade pretty closely and other than the expected rust and patina there where no obvious nicks or cracks in the blade.

Last night I was cruising this site and stumbled across the restoration forum. After reading a few threads I decided to attempt a restoration on my fiance's straight razor. A trip to Woodcraft and some quality time with a dremel tool later I ended up with this:

Appologies for the awful iphone picture, I can't seem to find my good camera. Anyway, to continue, I think I have a working razor now that needs honing and stropping. Having zero experience with such things this leads to a number of questions:

While purchasing a ready-made strop is definitely an option, I'm (among other things) a leatherworker and would like to make my own. My question is are strops normally made from vegetable or chromium tanned leather?

Also, I'd like to get this blade shave-ready as soon as possible (yes, the anticipation is killing me). Do you think I should send the razor off to be honed or would it be a worthwhile investment to get a set of hones? Am I nuts for even considering attempting to hone the thing with no prior experience?

Thanks in advance!