Hi my name is Frank and I am new to the world of straight razor shaving. I decided to try straight razor shaving for a few reasons. First of the cost benefit is great with not having to buy new catridges and new handles when the old one is dicontinued. I have never liked that becuase they are pretty expensive. Secondly it's straight razor shaving... You have to admit there is an air of cool to it with its nostalgia and gentlmanlyness. Lastly I am always looking for ways to get back to traditional ways and to save money (again). It just seems like a good idea all together. When I told people that I am going to try straight razor shaving I got mostly the same responses. "Your crazy!" "Why?" and "You'll kill yourself!" mainly. Whatever... When I began to read alot of things on this site it showed me how easy it can be and fulfilling it can be. So off I go into this new endeavour. Here is a list of things I got, all from knifecenter.com. Dovo Best Quality round tip full hollow 5/8 razor. Boar bristle brush. Dovo leather/canvas strop. And of course soap. A few questions for everyone. Is it highly recomended that I get the razor professionally honed? I didn't want to go for this yet to save money as I have mentioned. And has anyone used a "factory fresh" razor before and just stropped it for their first shave. I am planning on starting with a small area around my cheek/ sideburn to get the feel for it. If anyone has any tips specific to my situation that would be great. Thanks in advance and I can tell that this is a great place to learn.