Well, tonight I shaved both sideburns and both cheeks, and I even switched hands to do it. Yea. I'm gonna stick with the easy spots for awhile.

Anyway, no cuts or nicks -- very smooth, and I didn't feel any pulling this time, but I didn't really get that close a shave. I'm holding the blade at about 30 degrees, but not using much pressure. Do you think it's the angle, or should I use a little more pressure?

Also, when I was rinsing the blade off I accidently touched it to the faucet. I think I can see a little something there, but it doesn't look bad. Just shave with it and see what happens? That's my first inclination.

I also haven't stropped the blade yet, which I plan on doing tomorrow before shaving. I know, tight strop and very light on the stropping.