Hello all,

I just got myself an old razor which seems in decent condition.
The blade itself is in good condition and still sharp, no need to reset the bevel or anything like that, some touching up will suffice.
However there are black spots on the blade.
I have been going through some wiki tutorials on restoration and saw these black spots on the blade as well.
Now I'm wondering, can I just polish up the blade & clean the razor, hone the blade, strop it and shave with it?
or is it necessary to sand the blade down? I'm not into removing a lot of metal, I don't wanna make big adjustments to it, and keep it in his most original state as possible; I do however am willing to use alot of elbow grease and polish it up as well as I can, even if that means it won't be perfectly clean around the pivots. I think I still could get a nice shave out of it this way.

Let me know what you guys think about this and/or what you would do
any tips on taking care of the blade are very welcomed as well.
thank you