So I shaved for the first time with my gillette travel DE the other day. Just my neck, WTG and ATG. First I noticed that even with the brand new DE blade there was a little tugging atg, so I guess that is impossible to completely avoid, no matter how sharp you get. But the real surprise, was how... well... easy it was. I swiped away at my neck cutting swaths of hair without so much as a nick, I never even worried that I might nick myself, really I don't even see how you could. The razor didn't jam up after a couple cm and require minutes of rinsing to try and unwedge the gunked up hair in it (The way ALL disposables have for me). Really, I don't understand how disposables even came into existence. There is literally no advantage I can think of over this razor. Sure, I can kind of see why Straights faded. Yes there is a little risk involved (though I'm at the point where I can WTG in a few seconds without any thought, ATG is still a bit of a process), and there's a bit of technique, even skill required. But DE shaving was if anything EASIER than shaving with a disposable. It boggles the mind.