First of all, hello to everybody! This is my first post. I've been toying with the straight razor concept for some time, and spending a lot of time on this web site has given me the bug. I've got a shave-ready razor coming from the classifieds, a Filly strop from Rup, and the rest of the paraphernalia from other sources.

Several posts about antique dealers got me to thinking about visiting the local "antiques row" and checking the local selection. Most had some straight razors, almost all with blades in sad condition, but one guy had several blades that appeared to be pretty reasonable blades. The majority were stamped with various brands, but with Illinois as the place of manufacture.

I've searched the forum, but "Illinois" mostly brings up strop information. Does anybody know anything about razors made in Illinois? I happen to have a bunch of hones for sharpening watchmaker's tools, so I thought maybe one would make a good practice blade. (His prices were in the $45-55 range, so I'm guessing some negotiation would be in order.)

