Hey all,
I'm josh and am have been SR shaving for about a month now.
I came here for some advice,
I just can't seem to get a decent shave,
I try going for as much a BBS as possible, but my skin gets so irritated and heated. I tried just shaving for shaving without irrtation and not for a bbs, but the neck and jawline remains a big problem.

My last try was with a Le Grelot shave ready from rasurpur, so the razor is fine. (I didn't even strop this one, just used it right out of the box)

I used a steam hot towel as pre shave method.

My soap was l'occitane cade, man I dno of it's me, but I love the scent tho, I just can't seem to find the right consistency, it just feels like it gives me no protection or glide or any moisture at all. I tried making lather in a bowl, with a little water, with a lot of watter, etc. I also tried face lathering, that didn't rly work either.
I just seems to dry out so fast, I put it on my face, all goes well at the start, but it seems dried out so fast and doesn't seem to protect my skin much ;o
maybe some of guys guys got any ideas or tips for lathering this soap;
I do get a nice thick creamy lather when I whip it up in a bowl, but it dries out pretty fast like in a minute or so ;O and it leaves my skin very dry when I wipe it off or after I shaved that part; after one pass my skin feels very dry; too bad I spent my last bucks on this soap and can't go out buying a cream ;/ so if anyone has any suggestions for the soap, very much appreciated. I also only lather one part of my face at the time, only the left side, then the right and the middle one at a time before I'm about to shave that area.
I was thinking about maybe applying some moisturizing creme/lotion right before my shave, but i dno if thats a good idea or not.

my brush is a super badger TI

I'm currently without a strop tho, only using the linen atm since my strop is conditioning, but it's not that my shaves were much better with using my leather strop.

Now on to the shave itself,
I already told you about the lather;
the shave itself, i tried a lot of angles already, started out with a 30° angle, that seemed to pull at my whiskers and wasn't that confortable;
i switched my angles to less than 30° and tried some shaving, this seemed to eliminate some pulling and went better.
I also had to loosen up on the pressure a lot, I think my pressure is still a little too much, but I tried with very light pressure as well, but still had some burning sensation afterwards, the best so far has been shaving with a guillotine style motion and slicing, that helped in removing any pulling but it's not for every area (also the pressure must be very light doing this, so my pressure is prolly still an issue)

also I feel like I'm just scraping my face with a cheese scraper, the cheeks are basically fine, but its the neck ( ow yes the neck again) and jawlines,
I just can't find any angle that seems not uncomfortable,
the lather I put there doesn't seem to give any protection either

my skin is just burning after I shave

the only area without any problems is the upper lip, maybe cuz of the natural muscles begin able to stretch that skin very well, i can shave there without pulling if I adjust my angle as I shave to feel which one doesn't pull I shave my upper lip with a normal ATG and XTG pass and is bbs, also Im just using the tip of the blade on the upper lip, on my neck and face I use more the middle as well which seems to irritate my skin more

I might just forget about a bbs shave and just go for a comfortable shave
I'll adjust my pressure and try some more angles
my lather remains a big mystery for me, I'm whipping up a lather till it gets rly stiff and feels like ur whipping up honey, but that seems to dry, so I usually add some water in there and whip it up some more.

if anyone has anything he wants to say, discuss, advice,
be my guest
happy new year btw soon for all of you