Okay, it's day...heck, I don't even remember any more... 25? My new Dovo Silver Steel with ebony scales arrived from SRD yesterday. Thanks for the quick shipping guys! It's a beaut:

It is one very sharp puppy. Arm hairs were just flying off! Interestingly, I didn't get a very good shave from it this morning, but I think that may have been due to changing a few other variables. I'm going to go back to the regular routine tomorrow, but using the Dovo as the only variable.

Here's the collection now. The Dovo, the Heljestrand Mk. 31 (crummy aftermarket scales, but what a shave!), and the King Razor "Duke". It's kind of an accidental collection: the Duke came from the classifieds here, the Mk. 31 was an antique store find, and I just had to take advantage of the SRD "lifetime hone" offer. I think I'd better stop while I'm ahead!
