My fellow SRS's,

My pre shave ritual is:
1. Get brush soaking in hot water.
2. Put hot water in mug to soften soap
3. Shower
4. Apply light olive oil to beard
5. Soak wash cloth in hot water in shower and hold to face about 1 min.
6. Apply 2nd olive oil to beard

Shave ritual:
1. Mix lather and lather face
2. 20 strokes on SRD webbing strop
3. 40 strokes on SRD latigo strop
4. Shave WTG
5. Lather
6. Shave XTG

Post ritual:
1. Rinse with warm water
2. Alum block face
3. Clean and put away tools (choji oil my razor)
4. Rinse with cold water
5. Apply Thayer's alchohol free Witchhazel w/Aloe

Now I have two questions.

First, am I missing anything?

Second, my face stings a little for several hours following the shave, especially around lower neck area. I am getting no nicks, cuts or scrapes, but I do have sensitive skin. Is my pre/post treatment right and will my skin break in over time?
