First of all nice to meet you all, I'm not sure if everything belongs in this subforum since there seems to be a lot of specific ones and I assume spamming by making several small posts is frowned upon.

My name is Emile, I'm 20 and from Belgium. Using a straight razor has been something I wanted to be able to do for about a year now. Although there isn't exactly that much hair to shave. Only about 3 every cm^2 on cheeks/neck , but I do have this weird 'condition' of having multiple hairs growing from 1 follicle in random directions. At the moment I mostly use a Gillette which I can use dry without getting razorburns.

I read some of the guides for beginners and plan on buying one or 2 razors and a strop from the classifieds, but since I have no real knowledge about difference between 2 razors or strops I would like some help. Some criteria:
- I would like to be able to order all 2/3 from the same seller if possible due to shipping costs.
- I was thinking about around 200 euro / 280$ max although it doesn't need to be that expensive.
- Razor should be honed.

Currently I've got some wilkinson shaving soap and a brush (quite long hairs) and definitely not badger, is that good enough?

The Heirloom
This morning I visited my grandparents and mentioned them that I was going to order a straight razor, to which my grandma instantly started reminiscing about the old days and she remembered that they had an old razor in the attic. I did a quick search on the brand (Kosmos on the box and Tilquin on the razor) and wasn't able to find a reference on the forum so I thought you might get a kick out of it and maybe give me some information. I was also wondering what the other item was? The razor belonged to my great grandfather so I think that would be about 50-80 years old? There seem to be some rust stains on it, any way I could restore it to it's old glory?
I used it on my arm, is it possible that it is still shave ready?
And what is the strange comb like thing?
Pictures here: imgur | Otzicow's Photo Albums

Greetings, Emile.
And sorry for the wall of text.