My first two shaves have yielded me a lot of tugging and pulling. (Got my Dovo 5/8 from Don and Lynn at Straight Razor Designs) Very uncomfortable. I concentrated on a 30 degree angle and a light touch. If I stropped this blade inadequately does it need to be re-honed? I led with the spine and did about 30 strokes. I am using an old strop, I did notice this morning before stropping that it has a slight bow to it, meaning the leather sloped away from me on both sides a bit. I concentrated on a nice smooth X pattern. I understand that if you strop incorrectly you can "roll" the blade, not sure what that means, but I am afraid of having done that. Is there a way to fix this problem if that is the case without re-honing? My beard prep a hot shower, pre-shave oil on my face, then my lather. I just cannot stress how much pulling there was, very frustrating and uncomfortable. I really wanna get this right! Please help! Thanks!