Hi guys... I hope someone can help me out...
Here's the back-story:
I'm fairly new to str8 shaving (2 months) and started with Kai blades in a shavette. I acquired a vintage str8 "shave-ready" and tried to shave..... it was not very sharp at all.
So I sent it out to be honed.... When i got it back, it didn't really pass the HHT ( it would cut half way through, but not "pop" it). My honemeister said he took it up to Shapton 30K. The first shave with it recently re-honed was... well... underwhelming. At his advice, I did not strop it for this shave. Second shave: better (after 40 passes linen/20 leather). Third shave.... underwhelming again. It just would not cut the hairs on my chin; this is where my stubble is thickest and coarsest. There was no way those whiskers were coming off with 3 passes... more like 8 or 9.
So I guess I've got two questions... Is this razor actually sharp enough? Or, have SE blades given me an unrealistic concept of what sharp is?
Sure would appreciate any input.....