Bam! Shazam!

So I finally got my shave ready blade in the mail. I took some time to make sure I had awesome lather, made sure my face was doused in hot hot hot water... time for my first shave!

Wow, nerve racking to say the least! I thought I was confident right until the blade was about to touch my skin. Breahting went up a bit, dunno if it was because I was scared of cutting myself, or maybe it was just the eagerness kicking in as I have been waiting for the moment!

Well.. I put the blade on my face, try to get a good 30degree angle.. surprised as how much the blade would jump when it was hitting/cutting my whiskers! (have not shaved in 3 days)

So after doing one cheek, I move onto the other.. was a lot harder than the first one as I am right handed and trying to shave my left cheek now.

After that I started to feel pretty confident, so I went to my neck, then washed all the lather off, applied more and did a second pass cross grain. Then I hit the mustache surprisingly well.

the chin did not go so great, I did not even want to try the patch underneath and a little to the sides. I had no clue how it was going to work so I quit while I was ahead and finished it off with my mach3.

End product? Well the only place I could not finish was just a small patch under my chin as I said (about an inch diameter). Although the rest is not the closest shave ever, I am more than satisfied for my first attempt! All this took me 30min but I was being very careful.

Love it! Thanks for all the help getting me there!