Hey folks - newbie here - struggling through what is apparently a lengthy learning curve...

I shave about 30% with a straight, and the rest with a M3. Not very effective with the straight yet, but I figure time spent will yield improvement.

I'm curious about the ambidexterity demonstrated on Lynn's DVD...
I've made my living playing the drums for 25 years and play ambidextrously - not perfectly the same with both hands, but I'm better with certain types of things right-handed and vice-versa... Not so with a straight razor!!

Any suggestions would be welcome.

Also - I read about a scuttle somewhere in the thousands of pages of information on this site (!) that was lauded by several other folks - it looked to be hand-made - and people were referring to it by it's brand name... "I'm hoping to get a *&^%$#$& for Christmas..."
It wasn't ridiculously expensive.
I couldn't find it when I went back the next day - I need to start bookmarking things... I know that's a pretty vague description, but if it rings any bells, let me know...
