Years ago, before I ever got into str8 razor shaving, I decided to see if I could sharpen my pocket knife (Kershaw 1550, with the 1095 carbon steel blade) to the point you could shave with it; I didn't have any special razor honing gear at the time; I was just a 17 Boy Scout Camp Counselor who was bored one weekend. I used a diamond stone (unknown grit), what I guess is a paddle strop made with suede leather glued to a board, and some aluminum oxide powder. I shaved with it once, and only once. Worst. Shave. Ever. My face was so raw, but it took the hair off. I think I just used water for lube; it was awful. I don't think I'll ever try that again, but how many people do you know who've shaved with their pocket knife?

Anyhow, I was wondering if anyone else was brave (or foolish) enough to try shaving with something other than a razor and what your results were.