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  1. #1
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    Default experiencing alot of "drag" uncomfortable shave.... first timer

    Hello everyone,

    I appreciate all your guys efforts in helping out newcomers to the world of straight razor shaving. A select group in which I'm a proud new member. However I can't say my first experience has been a great one.

    I purchased a brand new, shave-ready dovo razor, on ebay i might add. I moistened my face and applied lather and all that as I'm not a noob to shaving, just straight razor shaving. When I went to swipe the razor down it just clung to hairs and had to be forced through. It was a very uncomfortable shave.

    I noticed that I did do better on my strong side under my sideburn as suggested in one of the beginner "must read first" threads. However it wasn't as smooth as I expected.

    The first time I shaved I didn't strop. I haven't received my strop yet and used light brown leather belt with a smooth finish since that's all I had the second time and the results were about 5% better.

    Any suggestions or questions are much apprecaited. I know it's lengthy but I feel the details are probably important.

    Thank you!


  2. #2
    Senior Member Maskwa's Avatar
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    I would sadly say that even though the Ebay description said it was shave ready, there is a great chance that it was not. I suggest you find a honemeiser near you, send it out and have it honed by a pro.

  3. The Following User Says Thank You to Maskwa For This Useful Post:

    dovopaul (04-28-2010)

  4. #3
    The original Skolor and Gentileman. gugi's Avatar
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    If the box was opened you should find out from the seller whether the razor was honed, when, by who, etc.
    It's somewhat likely that the edge isn't very good, at least I have had less than 0.5% of the razors I've picked on ebay have an edge that can shave.
    You don't mention any stropping either - that's a necessity as well.
    Once these are taken care of you should be looking mostly at your technique.

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    dovopaul (04-28-2010)

  6. #4
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    though im still new to straight razors. I would have to agree with them on weather or not the razor IS "shave ready"

    The Dovo I got from SRD was shave ready and didnt act like what you described

  7. The Following User Says Thank You to prezdead For This Useful Post:

    dovopaul (04-28-2010)

  8. #5
    Str8 & Loving It BladeRunner001's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Maskwa View Post
    I would sadly say that even though the Ebay description said it was shave ready, there is a great chance that it was not. I suggest you find a honemeiser near you, send it out and have it honed by a pro.
    +1 on what Maskwa said above


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    dovopaul (04-28-2010)

  10. #6
    -- There is no try, only do. Morty's Avatar
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    In addition to the recommendations you've received to send your razor out to be honed by a pro, I might add that it is unrealistic to expect a really good shave the first time out even with a truly shave ready straight. I had my first full-face three pass shave on March 26 with a shave ready razor I bought from the SRP Classifieds. A lot of pulling. A LOT of razor burn. Pretty much the same disappointment you feel, even though I was expecting it.

    Now a month later, I am getting better shaves with NO razor burn with the same blade and it only gets a stropping just before my shave. No honing since.

    The difference? My technique is improving. Yours will too; just give it some time and remember: This is something you can do.
    Morty -_-

  11. The Following User Says Thank You to Morty For This Useful Post:

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  12. #7
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    Default thanks for all the feedback

    Thanks to everyone for hearing out my case. Funny that you mention if the case was opened when I got it. It was not opened. However it was razor sharp. I did the hair test and although I couldn't split a hair with it straight on, I could split a hair if the razor caught it just a bit first. It sliced a bit of my belt i was using for stropping like butter.

    I was hoping I wouldnt have to hone it but I'll look into it. I did expect difficulties with starting out and am sure it will be a bit before I get the hang of it.

    As far as an ebay'er saying it's "shave ready" I would imagine one with experience would not agree. I have ready that "shave ready" razors aren't always shave ready.

    Thanks again everyone!

  13. #8
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  14. The Following User Says Thank You to BeBerlin For This Useful Post:

    dovopaul (04-28-2010)

  15. #9
    -- There is no try, only do. Morty's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by dovopaul View Post
    It sliced a bit of my belt i was using for stropping like butter.
    Please, do not use your razor like a knife. The edge will not slice/cut materials other than hair and retain its sharpness.

    The hanging hair test (HHT) will not tell you whether a razor is shave ready or not. Only a test shave can tell you that. You can own a razor that will not pass an HHT but will give you a great shave and at the same time you can have a razor that will pass an HHT but gives a lousy shave and still needs honing.

    Based on what I've read in the Wiki and in the forums here, about the only thing an HHT is useful for is determining when a bevel is set during the first stage of honing a dull razor.
    Morty -_-

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  17. #10
    Senior Member blabbermouth niftyshaving's Avatar
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    Sounds like it is not "shave ready".

    I am tempted to say strop on a rolled
    up newspaper rather than a brown belt.

    If stropping does not bring it back to life
    send it out to a professional.
    Last edited by niftyshaving; 04-28-2010 at 04:49 AM.

  18. The Following User Says Thank You to niftyshaving For This Useful Post:

    dovopaul (04-28-2010)

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