Hi all,
Excuse my english, it's not my main language.

So I have straight shaved before, but now got back into it.
However I am experiencing some troubles.
Afaik my razors are shave ready and very sharp, one was professionally honed and another one I honed myself; I think my stropping is good too, i've done this for quite a while before. My razors pass the HHT flawlessly, just slightly touches the blade, it cuts and falls off smoothly. Not that the HHT means anything. It shaves arm hair without problems, I just touched em up on a coticule as well with a good amount of stropping.
One razor is a TI le grelot which was professionally honed and another one is a vintage one I got from an ancestor which I wanted to clean up and hone myself.
My cream and soap I've used are: D R Harris lavender cream and L'occitane cade soap.

Now onto the shaving itself where the trouble lies.
I don't rly get razor burn and use a very light touch.
However whenever I do my first pass WTG I get a pulling sensation.
On my second pass WTG/XTG I never get a pulling sensation and I get a bbs nearly everywhere when I shave with using a very light touch.

On my first pass my razor does pull, both of them;
I tried all angles, from flat to the face and up. When using the advanced shaving techniques the pulling is to a minimum, but it still doesn't go as smooth as it should.
Flat to the face has the least amount of pull to almost no pull, but it still pulls a little (however I shaved a 5 days worth of hair, and I used a hot towel which left my face a bit dry).

Whichever cream and soap I use, when I wet my face and lather up and shave, when I touch my skin where I just shaved the lather off, it feels very dry even if I don't use a hot towel, with no prep, with whatever; my skin feels dry.
So I'm assuming; skin = dry, hair = dry.
And that's exactly what my first pass kinda feels like, shaving dry.
I added a lot of water to my lather and whip it up, the lather felt very moisturizing, but my skin was still kinda dry.

I was just wondering and wanted to ask, if my razor pulls on the first pass ATG, but shaves my other pass(es) XTG/WTG without a problem when my hair is reduced, could you conclude that the razor is or is not sharp enough to shave with? Anything but my first pass goes very smooth and without rly any pressure I get a very close shave; so I was wondering about my razor sharpness.

I just have very sensitive skin and very dry on the place I shave.
This I think is the main problem for my first pass pulling;
I might try to just put on some watery later, just trying to let that get into my skin and let it moisturize and see what that does. Or just apply a moisturizer before I plan on shaving. Maybe some baby oil, but I don't rly want to apply baby oil every time I shave, just because.
If anyone got any good suggestions, comment or questions, feel free to reply.
After shaving my skin also feels dry, no matter which cream or soap I use, just a very dry skin.

On a side note, the D R harris cream is simply one of the best creams I've ever used, very thick nice lather, actually pretty moisturizing and very close shaves.

thanks in advance for the reply and for reading my gibberish