Welcome to SRP, Jim. I'd definitely recommend watching all the videos you can. And even then, once you get cold steel in hand, you'll realize (at least I did) that it's entirely different for you. And then it's back for more video research searching for good ideas to tackle the trickier spots on your particular face.

That being said though, with my vast 1/2 shave's worth of experience, as long as you're cautious there isn't TOO much to worry about. JimmyHAD's signature line "An old barber told me to hold the razor securely but lightly enough so that is if it pulls the razor will flex in your fingers and be less likely to nick. He also told me to never force it if it does pull. Following that advice I have rarely gotten a nick." is right on, I avoided more than one nick I'm sure because I could feel something was about to go wrong if I kept pushing the blade. Just pause, reassess, and start over.

Greg - I'm glad your suggestion panned out! I posted over there too. I've got something approximating a full beard, with the cheeks sculpted clean. Although the bare patches on the cheek are wider now, to match the length of my blade! I've decided I'm going to switch hands on both sides for my next shave, so that I can keep the toe of the blade pointed at the beard/mustache line, rather than trying to shave part with the toe and part with the heel. *Crosses my fingers*
