After about 4 months it FINALLY seems to be coming together. I last shaved on Sunday when I was in Florida so I had a pretty good growth going.

I did not use a straight in Florida as I am not ready to travel with them yet. Today I wiped the oil off the razor and stropped it for one minute on the fabric and one on the leather. I don't count but instead strop for a full minute which I know is a least 50 strokes on each.
Showered, and then oiled, lathered and went at the shave. I was rewarded with a bloodless, nick less fantastic shave.

I had become frustrated and several members continued to tell me it takes time to develop a good shave and to hang in. I'm very glad so many folks on SRP had the patience to talk me into hanging in.
So....Here is a GIANT THANKS to all the great members here who help others. Someday I'll return the gesture when I know what I am doing!