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Thread: Hello from DE land!
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06-20-2010, 05:25 AM #1
Hello from DE land!
Hello everyone!
I am about to stick my toe into the straight razor shaving world so I thought I'd join up and say hi.
I have been collecting and using vintage shaving gear for years but, and I'll be honest, I have always been too chicken to try straight razor shaving. I have collected and used every hair brained and oddball safety razor that crossed my path but I have never been man enough to "go straight."
Time to grow a pair....
So. I bought a restored shave ready razor some time ago, a WR Case Red Imp. I mainly chose that one because I like Case pocket knives so I may be way off base. It has been sitting in the draw taunting me.
I just ordered a Velvet brand barbers hone.
I am looking for a good starters strop (anyone who can point me in the right direction to get one in Australia would be appreciated).
And I have all the soaps, creams, brushes, etc. in the world.
I don't want to kick off until I have at least the basic starters rig so any advice from you "old hands" would be a big help. I am currently reading through all the great tutorials here and on B&B and my head is spinning. I'm sure I am over complicating it, but there is so much to learn!
Well, if nothing else it is a new challenge, and a new acquisition disorder. SWMBO will not be impressed but, idle hands... and all that.Last edited by Legion; 06-20-2010 at 05:27 AM.