Again seeking help from those way further down the road than I. I'm at 7-8 wks. 'Recently acquired a 6/8, 1/4 hollow wacker and it's been a real game changer.

Several threads from experienced users say that the heavy grinds helped them learn. (It's definitely helping me now). But that after more experience, they gravitated back to full or extra hollow. Those that have tried both - have you kept a heavy grind in your rotation, or is it something that went away altogether?

I don't know if I should view the joy w/ the new 1/4 hollow as something transitory (don't buy more, thinking it's the end-all solution), or if this the early results of emerging preference. Yes, time can tell.

The reason for the question is the contemplation of a Williams blade, which is a hefty commitment - what size/grind.