Hi all! New member here and I'm just seeking some general advice.

I am looking to buy a straight blade mostly for practical reasons and want to see if I am on the right track. I'm not particularly fond of shaving, and tend to view it as somewhat of a chore. I would probably be the type to just grow a beard if I didn't find it so darn irritating, that plus the white beard (my hair is not white yet) makes me look much older.

I've got no real 9 to 5 so I usually shave only once or twice per week and am now using disposables, which are expensive, and often require me using two to get the job done. I hate throwing things away and look to more permanent solutions wherever I can.

I know for a lot of you the process is part of the satisfaction and enjoyment of straight razors, as well as a superior shave. Perhaps I would grow to appreciate that part as well but for now I see it as more of a practical solution to periodically remove that infernal ever growing facial hair.

From what I have learned already it seems it would be a better buy to purchase a vintage blade that has been honed by a reputable source.

So I ask you all- is a straight blade a viable option for a rough cut character such as myself?