hello everyone!

So i have been shaving now for about 1 month about 4 or 5 times a week. I got my vintage razor shave ready from hi_bud_gl. When i first got it, simply passing it through my arm hairs would make them pop off without the blade even touching the skin. Now it won't even come close to that even after stropping about 25 times on canvas and 50 on leather. I also can tell the difference on my shave, as it tugs a lot more than it used to. I don't know if this is due partially to my beard thickness, or more probably my stropping technique.... I do have a new dovo that i am sending out to get honed so i figure i would learn to hone on this razor i have now.

What would be a good starting stone to just touch my razor up on, i've read everything from 8k to 12k to a barber hone would be good but i just wanted some advice on which would be a better investment for someone running low on cash. I'm pretty sure i don't need to set a new bevel so i can leave the 1k and 5k stones for later...

what do you guys think?

Thank You for all the help and advice!