For someone who is just beginning the straight razor
shave journey, there is lots of advice about doing
"partial" shaves at first (ie, cheeks only, WTG) and
then finishing off with your non-straight razor.

May I suggest an alternative: first, do a complete shave
using your non-straight razor, and THEN proceed to a
straight razor whatever degree you are
comfortable. I'm talking about doing both in a single
shave session, and all the requirements of razor and
beard prep apply.

The rationale for this: 1) the initial non-straight shave
will likely do a decent job on your trouble spots, making
them of lessor concern when you get to the straight;
2) there will be less of a struggle with beard density,
which will allow for a "finer" touch with the straight.

There will be plenty of stubble left to work on following
the non-straight shave, and you will notice the
improved closeness of the straight razor shave.

Just a suggestion...It might make the transition to a
"pure" straight shave a little easier.
