I know this is such a silly question, but I feel I need to ask it anyway; what is the best wayto deal with razor burn? I began using a straight razor not too long ago, and my first shave which was much anticipated, left menwith a really good feeling, so I attempted the same shave the next day, and ended up with razor burn from hell!! Since I am still waiting for my new Col. Conk shave soap to come in, I ran out and found some "invisible no lather shaving gel" it worked good for lubrication and didn't dry out, so I was pleased. Unfortunately I made a horrible rookie mistake the next day and used regular shaving cream... I know now why not to!!! So two questions, what is the best way to treat razor burn? And how long should I wait before I attempt the shave again? Any tips are welcome, and I have read the wikis on the site since that time, so I painfully learned my lesson.