My first shave with a Dovo Shavette after a month of great results with a DE was not a very good shave, but I didn't tear my face up too badly. Then, after the shave, I realized:
"Hey, I just did it! I shaved with a Straight."

I anticipated getting up this morning and getting that second shave in. Now I'm less than excited about the third shave tomorrow. I came away from shave number two with a considerably closer shave, some good results from ATG passes, but some areas I just can't attack very well. I also have five nice nicks, one of which looks like a sub-epidermic embolism.

Beside just being a flat-out Newbie at straight shaving, my problem is that the Shavette has no weight. I was so used to the head of my HD doing the work that I am almost lost with this thing. Either I apply no pressure, which I am used to, and nothing happens, or I apply pressure sometimes with the wrong angle and lots of things happen.............all bad. The thing is so hard to manipulate on the chin area that I considered just cutting off my chin and being done with it. I'll try again tomorrow, but that Merkur HD is looking awful good right now!